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Chartered Town Planners Viability Consultants

No Win - No Fee

If you have a viability based case to reduce Developer Contributions, AMK will prepare a detailed assessment and viability report at no cost with a fee only being payable on success. 

Our Service

AMK Planning is an established viability consultancy business which focuses on reducing or completely removing Affordable Housing, S106 and CIL Contributions as part of a fully qualified RTPI Chartered Town Planning service. 

We are able to offer a quick turnaround (typically 7 days) for the assessment of developer viability submissions. Our methodology is fully compliant with National Planning Policy Guidance, whilst taking a pragmatic and sensible view to 'real world' market conditions to ensure a justifiable and robust assessment. We are conscious that every Local Authority is under an obligation to secure a fair and beneficial Section 106 contributions package, and that an approach which is too dogmatic has the potential to delay planning permission and project commencement. 

Unlike many consultants, we do not simply provide a written report when assessing developer submissions. We take a much more hands-on approach throughout the entire process, negotiating with the Local Authority on your behalf at all stages through to final agreement of the Section 106 document or representing you at Appeal if required. 

AMK has created a viability model specifically designed to assess the cost impact of Affordable Housing and tenure mix as well as S106 Infrastructure contributions and CIL. This has been accepted as providing robust evidence in Local Plan/CIL Examinations and Appeal Hearings across the UK and is used in all of our negotiations with Local Authorities. 

Construction Cost Assessment

We have partnered with Gleeds to provide a bespoke construction cost assessment and report production service. For projects which are too complex to rely on benchmark cost data or where there are significant abnormal costs we recommend that a detailed cost report is prepared to support the viability case. This has the advantage of removing the ambiguities of BCIS data that Local Authorities often rely on in S106 negotiations. 


100% Success Record

Where we initially determine there is a viability based case to remove or reduce Affordable Housing/S106 Contributions/CIL we have a 100% success record by negotiating with the Local Authority or representing our clients at Appeal. 

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